National Institute of Open Schooling

The National institute of Open schooling (NIOS) formerly known as National Open School (NOS) was established in November 1989, as an autonomous organization in pursuance of National Policy on Education, 1986, by the ministry of Human Resource Development, govt. of India. Open schooling was originally experimented upon since 1978 as a project of CBSE and was later amalgamated with NIOS. It is partly funded by government of India, Keeping in view the needs of the target groups. The NIOS also provides a number of vocational and community oriented courses besides general and academic courses.

Open Schools have been set up in many developing countries of Asia and Africa as a viable response to the critical educational problems of numbers, resources and quality. These institutions serve the needs of scattered students and some also focus on providing qualifications to those who went through school but did not successfully gain the qualifications.

The Open Learning System at the School level in India is represented by the Open Schools at the national and state level. The National Institute of Open Schooling which began as the Open School Project of the Central Board of Secondary Education in 1979 is today the largest Open School of the world. One of its objectives is to help evolve a learning society by providing relevant, continuing and developmental education upto the pre-degree level through open distance system through its prioritized client group as an alternative to formal school system. The examinations are conducted twice a year in April-May and October-November. The students have the freedom to choose, how to learn, when to learn, where to learn, and what to learn. The system includes a learning process where the learner is able to set his/her own objective, choose the content, sequence the programme and decide when and how learning is to be assessed. Open learning has been described as a process of learning that is not enclosed or encumbered by barriers, that is accessible and available, not confined and concealed and that implies continuum of access and opportunity.

The Media Unit of NIOS ensures an academic perspective along with the technical responsibilities of production of audio and video programmes, which are one of the most important components of the multi-channel package offered by the NIOS. These audio and video programmes both supplement and complement the other channels of learning: i.e. printed self-learning materials and personal contact programmes. Most of the programmes, except for the language courses (Hindi, English, Urdu), have been produced both in English and Hindi Version. Using documentary, docu-drama and other interesting formats, these programmes attempt to present the topic/theme in a simple, interesting and engaging manner, so that the learners get a clear understanding and insight into the subject matter. The video programmes are also being telecasted on television.

The regional offices in India are situated in Delhi, North east states, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Bihar, Maharashtra, Chennai, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Pondicherry etc.


Information about other syllabus

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