Admissions: Preparing for Nursery

Whether you are a new parent or well-versed with the drill, these pointers might help you and your little one prepare for admission interviews.
Teach your child:

  1. To recite a few easy nursery rhymes like Jack and Jill, Mary had a little lamb, Three blind mice, Baa baa black sheep, Humpty Dumpty.
  2. Alphabets and Numbers from 1 to 10, some schools do ask upto 20.
  3. Identification of Fruits, Vegetable, Animals and basic colours.
  4. Greetings such as 'Good Morning', 'Hello' is good.
  5. Mother's name and Father's name.

Do not focus or force your child to read or write as it is not required. Drawing on paper with crayons or color pencils maybe observed in some schools.

Keep your child pressure-free. You don't need to coach or train your child for the interview.
Interaction with other kids is a must, as there will be many kids at these interviews and your child's social skills will also be observed. He / She maybe taken to play with other kids as part of the evaluation exercise.
Parents and the child should get enough rest the day before the interview. Most interviews are in the morning and it is important to keep the morning free and disconnect yourself from work or other engagements for those few hours.
Discuss with your spouse donation details and the amount you are willing to give before going for the interview. Some schools are upfront about the donation commonly referred to as building fund but there are schools that will ask you specifically - How much are you able to donate and award points for the donation that will be making and your child's admission depends on these points.
Try to get opinions and details on the interview procedure from other parents who have their wards in the school you are approaching for admission.

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