Customer feedback - DPS Playschool Begumpet, Hyderabad

I would like to personally thank the entire team of "YourSchool" for having done this wonderful job of helping me create a personalised website for our playschool. The website figures in the top hits of hot search engines like Google, Yahoo, Alta Vista etc. What else can any ask for?

When I first met the team and put forward my requirements, I was not sure if they could do it, but when I saw the first draft, I was totally impressed by the very look and feel of the website. Apart from all this, I have seen a great sense of belonging and team work in the executives who visited us. All our requirements were well understood by the team and Incorporated where it was required. I whole heartedly wish the entire team all the luck for their future projects and once again thank them for creating a wonderful informative website for our new venture. I look forward for assiging new projects going forward whenever required.

- PS Kanwar, Director DPS Play School Begumpet, Hyderabad


  1. I have seen the website of DPS PlaySchool i.e. & it is indeed a great job done. As the school itself is good, so it is the website and the contents.

    -Tanya Singh

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