Verified Schools

Schools that are checked by our associates are now marked as verified schools. On the search results you will find an icon as shown below which means that the school was verified by a associate. On clicking the icon you will get a screen discribing what is a verified school.

What is Verified School?

A Verified School is an information validation process that checks and verifies information of schools listed with us. It validates records to ensure that the information provided is accurate and reliable. There is no documentary evidence that is gathered for verification.

Parameters that we check

  • Contact Person
  • Address and Contact Numbers
  • Email Ids

Terms of use

Verified School is a school validation process that checks records of schools listed with us. Verified School is not a substitute for traditional validation and verification services. Verified School does not guarantee the quality of service provided by the school. Verified School is only indicative and not inferential for all practical purposes. We encourage you to use various other tools/mechanism to perform checks on specific aspects of your interest.

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