Why have a website ?

The internet is taking the world by storm. It is being said that there is a fourth basic need being added to the three basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and that is internet bandwidth. Having an online presence for any institution is very important. Without an online presense the brand of the institution can be diluted and in some cases even tarnished. As an example, at the time of writing this article the http://airtel.com/ website loads http://vodafone.es/ website. So it is important to have the right URL so that people searching for your institution do not get diverted to the wrong place.

Once you have a good website URL developing a website can be a very expensive investment. The cost of developing a website depends on the design of the website and also the functionality of the website. Using the website some of the things you can do are
  • Showcase the facilities of your institution
  • Publish photographs of activities and your institution
  • Create holiday calendars and event calendars
  • Provide a mechanism for parents and teachers to interact with each other
What we at yourschool.in want to do is that provide both the ability to have an elegant design and functionality at an affordable cost. The website will also be added to a directory of schools which will be comprehensive.

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