Ease of use

Creating and managing a website for your institution using the yourschool.in platform is very easy.
  • There is no installation to be done. Just register your institution on the website and on approval by us you can create all the content about your institution.
  • You do not need to have any technical personnel to operate the website. All you need to know is basic computer knowledge and you will be able to post content about your institution.
  • You can use the site from anywhere 24 X 7 and update the content as it is completely on the internet.
  • No need of high bandwidth dedicated internet connection from your institute to operate the website. Broadband connections with a minimum of 256 kbps is enough to operate the website.
  • You can change the information published at any time by yourself thus giving you complete control over the website with no dependencies.
Our aim has been to make operating the website as simple as operating an email account.

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