Document Management

You can now share any kind of document (doc, excel, pdf, ...) with the general public or just the members of your school i.e teachers and students/parents. Only teachers can add and modify documents that are uploaded. They can now do all of this in 3 easy steps

  1. Click on the Documents link
  2. Click on add document
  3. Tell us who should see the document (general public, only logged in users) and point us to the document on your hard disk by clicking on the browse button. You can even give a short description. Click on save and the document is available to the selected audience.

You can use this section to share to the general public

  1. Newsletters
  2. Admission Forms
You can use this section to share to the logged in users
  1. Forms related to school activities such as library book requests, facilities usage request and so on
  2. Interesting articles and information to share with members of the school

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