What is it trying to address ?

Parents depend on other parents, friends, hoardings, banners, newspaper advertisements to tell them which schools exist. The internet does not have a comprehensive website of all the schools in each locality that can answer simple questions every parent has such as
  • Which school is closest to my residence?
  • Which school still has vacancies - Capacity vs. Occupied?
  • What training methods does the school use?
  • Where is the exact location - road-maps to the school?
  • When does admission take place and what is is the admission criteria?
  • Can I see my child online while my child is at day care?
  • Will I be able to monitor the progress of my child online?
  • Will I be able to interact with the teachers of the preschool without going to the school?
  • Will I be able to see the list of holidays and other information such as syllabus and event/activities that the preschool is going to have?

Schools too would like to provide this information and also other services to better meet the needs and expectations of parents.

  • How do I get a full fledged website along with interactive services at an affordable cost?
  • How do I showcase my school to parents who are looking to fulfill the need for a school?
  • How can I communicate easily with the parents and update them on their child's progress?
  • How can I have ready access to a parent’s phone number or a child’s profile during an emergency?

Franchisor’s too face issues currently such as

  • Information gathering and publishing is centralized on the franchisor’s website and the medium to publish this information is basic. So the right information is not being distributed to the target audience which is the parents.
  • Generating statistics of the various franchisees under the franchisor is not easily available online.
  • Tracking performance of the franchisees is difficult.
  • Outsource the technological aspect of managing a preschool so that the franchisors and franchisees can concentrate on running the schools.
Yourschool.in is a portal that aims to address these issues. In subsequent articles we will go into the details of how these issues are being addressed in the portal.

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